M.P. Starkweather

Author, poet, fangirl, nerd


M.P. Starkweather is a wife, mother, author, poet, casual online gamer, self-proclaimed fan-girl, and full-time nerd. 
She writes free-form poetry, paranormal romance, sci-fi romance, omegaverse romance, reverse harem romance,

and is branching out into contemporary romance. 
In her free time, she enjoys writing, reading, Dungeons & Dragons, table top games with her husband and friends,

and playing with her son. 
M.P. also enjoys tv, movies, and music across various genres. 
She is our first author, forming the publishing company, and signing with us in 2019.
Check out her website above to find out more about her, follow her social media accounts,

and learn which books you can purchase directly from her! 
Click the covers below to check out her books on Amazon, Kobo, Kobo Plus, Google Play Books, as well as other retailers,

and find out which ones are in KU!